Friday, 16 December 2016

My Self-Assessment
In this first term I've improved my vocabulary because I have seen new words in class and also with Clarissa. As well I can explain myself better because I improved speaking.
I think one of my greatest strengths it's the grammar and the witting because the last year i learnt how to do an essay. My weaknesses are the speaking because I have to be in front of the class talking and I usually get nervous and the other weaknesses is the listening but only in some cases because I can understand perfectly my classmates and the teachers.
Out of the class I go to english classes with a British teacher taht helps me for improve my english.
I think the thing I have to improved it's study more the vocabulary because I know I can do it better
I didn't learn too much things about culture becuase Clarissa only come to class like four hours and we usually did games with her.

Thursday, 15 December 2016

Glossary Unit 2
Advertise- to anounnce information about a product or a service in TV, radio, internet... in order to sell it
Appeal-  attract the consumers to sell them the products or services
Appear- perform/show up
Broadcast- to transmit a programme and ads to TV, radio, internet...
Claim- say sth is true althought you might not be able to prove it
Convince- to cause someone to believe in sth by using arguments
Exaggerate- do sth beyond the limiits of truth
Inform- give information about sth
Promote- to make popular sth by ads, internet, talking...
Recommend- to make attractive sth to buy it

bargain- when the prize of a product or service is cheaper than the normal one
bid- to offer, usually money, on a bet
browse- look for sth (internet)
browser- who looks for sth (internet)
charge- to ask money for payment
consume- to use up sth
consumer- who uses up sth
purchase- to buy
refund- to come back to the shop because you don't like the thing you buy and you want your money back
select- to choose
selection- who choose
supply- to provide
supplier- who provides

Extra Vocabulary
semi-detached house- two houses together
stunning- amazing/awesome
terraced house- line of houses together
success- sth that you have done very well
succesful- adjective of success
succeed- verb of success
slogan- catch phrase that is combined in a special way to identity a company or product
blade- the cutting part of a shaver
leaner- very short and thin person
piggybank- money box with the shape of a pig
yummy- delicious
budget- money use for a particular purpose, usually use by the companies
big-headed- stubborn
pumped/mighty- someone really strong

Tuesday, 29 November 2016

                                            P.E Activities
1.-Principle of transference
The principle of transference is defined as the influence of previous exercises on learning new skills or performing skills in next activities you are going to do and it may be.
Positive transference.- It means that practice on a activity results in improvements (positive effects) on another activity.
Negative transference.- It means that practice in one activity interferes (negative effects) with the performance of another activity.
Zero or neutral transference.- It happens when the previous activity has no influence on the performance of another activity.

2.-Example of each training principles
Principle of effective charge.- An amateur football player only has to train twice a week while a                                                            proffessional football player has to train every day.

Principle of progression of the load.
Monotonic.- You start running 5 minutes and next week 5 more an so on. After a month you run 20 minutes.
Non monotonic.- You start running 5 minutes and you take a rest of one week. After the rest you start running again run 15 minutes and so on.

Principle of variety.- You go to the gym and one day you use the machine for he legs, an other day for the arms, the next day for abdominals and so on.

Principle of optimal relationship between load and recovery.
Positive supercompensation.- Run for 10 minutes and have a rest of 3 minutes
Negative supercompensation.- Run for 10 minutes and have a rest of 30 seconds
Zero supercompensation.- Run for 10 minutes and have a rest of 8 minutes

Principle of repetition and continuity.- Run for 10 minutes take a rest, run 5 minutes and take a lower rest than the first one and do this several times.

Principle of reverse action principle.- You run 30 minutes every day and you injured the foot, you can't run. You will have to stop and wait until the foot it's okay. After that, you start running again and the first day you will run lees than 30 minutes because you lose the resistance you had or you will run 30 minutes but not at the same rhythm.

Principle of periodization.
Macrocycles.- Run for 2 hours and a half.
Medium cycles.- Run for 1 hour.
Microcycle.- Run for 15 minutes.

Principle of individuality.- A 18 years old person will run for 30 minutes, while a 80 years old person woudn't put up with it and he will run for 1 minute.

Principle of specialization/ multilateralism.-  If you are going to swim you can't play basketball, you should  do an exercise in which you stretch tour back, arms and legs.

Principle of transference.
Positive transference.- Stretch the muscles of the legs helps you for running.
Negative transference.- Strecth the muscles of the arms when oyu are going to run but you can use it for swim.
Zero or neutral transference.- Stretch the muscles of the arms if you are going to run.

                                  P.E Notes
Click here to see the P.E notes
Principles of training
Text messages
Idc- I don't care
Idk- I don't know
Asap- As soon as possible
Bc- Because
BFN- Bye for now
Wyd- What are you doing?
OMG- Oh my god!
Lol- Laugh out laud
Rn- Right now
Np- No problem
Xoxo- Kisses and hugs
Btw- By the way
Gtg- Got to go
Brb- Be right back
Of- Of course
Jk- Just kidding
Ily- I love you
Ty- Thank you
Ttyl- Text to you later
U2- You too
Tbh- To be honest 
                         Glossary Unit 1
Vocabulary- Adjectives
Bitter-  Fell bad because has done somethng that it's wrong
Cruel- Enjoys the pain of others
Dedicated- Who is loyalty 
Dependable- Who you can truts in
Eager- Who is interested about you news
Enthusiastic- Who looks forward to something
Optimistic- Who thinks positive things
Outgoing- Who isn't shy
Responsible- Who you count on and ask for something
Supportive- Who helps you when you are sad or bad
Sympathetic- Who is kind with you
Truthful- Who tells you the truth

Expressions- Get
Get better- When you are ill and you improve 
Get involved- Take part on
Get permission- When, usually your parents, allow you to do something or go somewhere
Get the feeling- Have a sensation
Get things done- Finish something
Get used to- Be accostumed to

Make a diffrence- Something important
Make an effort- Do something obligatory without attitude 
Make an impression- When a person see you the first time you make an impression to him/her
Make the most of it- Do the best

                       Glossary Starter Unit
Quill- Eather use as a pen 
Disruptive behaviour- Someone that has a bad behaviour
Brazier- Old radiator
Learn by hard- To memorize
Enforce- Do something by force
Look forward to (ing)- Can't wait for something
Devices- Electric invention use for mobile phones, computers, TVs...
Unlike- Different
Electricity socket- Place where you plug in charger of the mobile phone, computer...
Take ages- A long time
Parcel- What the mailman gives you (no letter)
Curse- A witch gives you a curse
Hatch- When a chick breaks the egg
Bushes- Shurb
Moped- Old car
Owe- To be in debt to
Yawn- When you are tired and you open your mouth

Tuesday, 4 October 2016

           Other classmates, different teachers,              NEW YEAR
Resultado de imagen de back to school

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Glossary Unit 5
Criminals and crime fighters
Armed robber            robo a mano armada
Burglar                       ladron/a (roba en las casas)
Detective                   detective 
Fraudster                    defraudador/a 
Judge                          juez/a
Lawyer                       abogado/a
Mugger                       atracador/a
Murderer                     asesino/a
Police officer               agente de policía
Thief                            ladrón/a
Traffic warden             policía de tráfico

Private investigator     
investigador privado
Extra vocabulary

Arrest                  arrestar 
Black market       mercado negro 
Evidence             señal
Interview             entrevistar
Trap                     atrapar 
Case                    caso

Arson                      piromano
Blackmail                chantaje 
Burglary                  asalto
Credit-card fraud     fraude tarjeta de crédito  
Forgery                    falsificación 
Drug-dealing           tráfico de drogas 
Vandalism               vandalismo 
Identity theft            suplantación de identidad
Kidnapping              secuestro 
Mugging                  atraco
Speeding                  sobrepasar la velocidad legal
Smuggling               contrabando 
Pickpocketing          característico
Shoplifting                hurto
Extra vocabulary

Business owner        dueño/a de un negocio 
Ecologist                   ecologista
Household                 propiedad
Lawnmaker               legislador
Local council            ayuntamiento 
Resident                    residente
Express it!

 Come clean about...             sincerarse sobre...
 Make someone think  twice 
hacer que alguien piense
Word builder

Illegal               ilegal 
Illogical            ilógico
Impossible        imposible 
Irrespondible    irresponsable
Unfair               injusto

Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Glossary Unit 4

Adjectives: Feelings

amusing           divertido,a
annoying          molesto,a
confusing         confuso,a
embarrasing    embarazoso,a
fascinating       fascinante
frightening       espantoso,a
inspiring           inspirador,a
irritating            irritante
motivating        motivador,a
relaxing            relajante
upsetting          triste
worrying           preocupado,a

Extra vocabulary

burst out laughing    echarse a reír
gap                           hueco, espacio
gesture                     gesto
misunderstanding    confusión
nod your head          asentir con la cabeza
shake your head      negar con la cabeza
express                    expresar
hit                            golpear
invite                       invitar
spread news            difundir noticias
squeeze                   estirar
warn                        alertar

Verbs: Technology

browse           navegar
charge            cargar
plug in           conectar
press              pulsar
scroll             deslizar
stream            transmitir
swipe             golpear
switch off      apagar
switch on       encender
tap                 teclear
text                enviar mensajes
unplug           desconectar
update           actualizar

Word builder

exciting         emocionante
excited          entusiasmado,a

frightened     asustado,a
frightening   aterrador

irritated        enfadado,a
irritating       irritante
Glossary Unit 3
Money and shopping
afford             permitirse
bargain          ganga
be worth        merecer la pena
borrow           pedir prestado
brand             marca
cost                precio
discount         descuento
lend                prestar
sale                rebajas
save up          ahorrar
shop online     tienda online
waste             malgastar

Phrasal verbs and nouns: free-time activities

archery          tiro con arco
athletics        atletismo
catch up        ponerse al dia
join in            participar
kayaking       piragüismo
miss out        perderse algo
pick up          recoger a
rock climbing escalada
take up         empezar una actividad
trail biking     motocross (circuito con bici)
try out           probar
wakeboarding esquí acuático

Extra vocabulary
customer      cliente
deparment store  almacén
fraction          fracción
gloves           guantes
half-price       a mitad de precio
shop owner   dueño de la tienda
souvenir        souvenr
sports gear   equipación deportiva

Express it!

I´ve got my eye on...     estar pendiente de...
We´re after...                 estar... después de...

Extra vocabulary
delicious      delicioso,a
mild              suave
nutritious      nutritivo,a
sour             amargo,a
spicy            picante
sweet           dulce

Word builder

fill up           llenar
queue up    hacer cola
set up          establecer
turn up        aparecer
wash up      lavar