Monday, 27 March 2017



Adaptable.- sth that could be change depending on the situation
Alternative.- sth that is unusual
Chemical.- sth produced by or used in chemistry
Computer generated.- sth make with a computer. For example a film
Electronic.- sth that use electricity to work
Enegy saving.- sth that cut down on the amount of energy that is use
High tech.- the latest in technology
Innovative.- introducing or using new ideas
Mechanical.- operated by power from an engine
Solar powered.- sth that use solar energy to work
Sustainable.- sth that uses energy in a way that doesn't damage the enviroment
Wireless.- without using wire


Resultado de imagen de ENERGY SAVINGAbsorb.- to suck up
Boost.- to inscrease/raise
Burn.- to use up fuel and give off energy
Crash.- stop working
Perform.- to carry out
Process.- to accept/organize
Release.- to let go
Repair.- to fix sth 
Rest.- to relax
Transport.- to carry from one place to another
Convert.- to change sth into a different form
Generate.- to produce
Run.- to execute
Store.- to keep

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